Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Appt with Royal Marsden

We had a nightmare journey getting to London yesterday for our appoitment with the Sarcoma unit at the London Royal Marsden. It took us 5 hours to get to our appointment and we were 1 hour late! They were very nice there but would not even consider any type of surgery or radio frequency ablation for my liver (too many tumours. They just offer chemo. It looks like not too bad of a chemo (TAXOL)where you get it once a week and it doesn't make you loose your hair or damage your immune system but you get resistance to it pretty quick. That's one to keep in the back pocket but I don't think I will be doing it yet.

We are still concentrating on angiogenesis inhibitors. All the research we have been doing points in this direction. We need to get many different types of angiogenesis inhibitors and take large doses of it and boost my immune system. I have also upped my dose of Thalidamide to 200mg as we found a study of a woman who acheived complete remission on 200mg for 4 weeks. Doesn't work for everyone but I am giving it a try. IT does make me feel a little weird though and a bit tired.

If I can get shrinkage this way then we may consider doing IPT or low dose chemo to try to kill the remaining cells. This is a clever way to do chemo as you don't get drug resistance and no side effects if done properly. They use insulin to bring the chemo into the cancer cells as cancer loves sugar. I am getting a genetic test done tomorrow in London that will test me for any chemotherapy agents and natural treatments that I am compatible with. If any really stand out then we will probably go this route at some point.

This all may change depending on results but this is what we are working on now.

1 comment:

  1. HI Natalie -- hang in there! Hope to see you at Worstead Tots this coming Friday. -Julii
